Indigenous women from Oiapoque put forward demands at III Indigenous Women’s March

Funded by CESE’s Small Projects Programme and the Patak Maymu Project, supported by the European Union, eight indigenous women from Oiapoque in Amapá travelled to the III Indigenous Women’s March, which took place in Brasilia between 11 and 13 September.  The project was proposed by the Association of Indigenous Women in Mutirão (Associação de Mulheres Indígenas em Mutirão: AMIM) and intended to strengthen female indigenous leadership and set out the demands of the region’s peoples at the national meeting.

The III Indigenous Women’s March was organized by the National Coalition of Ancestral Indigenous Warrior Women (Articulação Nacional das Mulheres Indígenas Guerreiras da Ancestralidade: ANMIGA) and, this year, was attended by more than 6 thousand women fighting for human rights and dignity.

Most of the women were attending the event for the first time and were able to make contact with other indigenous people in their search for common goals.  Mobility difficulties in the state are an obstacle for the social movements and this is already a matter for dispute.  One of their issues is the fact that the BR 156 highway cuts off part of the Uaçá Indigenous Land, where the Galibi Marworno live.

Despite this, they expect similar projects to continue. Janina Forte, representing the AMIM, noted that “The indigenous women of these peoples are an example of resistance and teaching.  It’s very expensive for women from the Oiapoque region to travel.  With CESE’s support we were able to take more women to participate in the movement.  We’re planning to attend the next march.  We’re already chasing up grant funding to take even more women to this national movement.”