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Leonardo Boff

Sônia Guajajara – Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB)

Projeto Mulheres Negras e Populares

O Julho das Pretas é muito maior do que o 8 de março, porque ele é nosso, traz a nossa ancestralidade e reforça nossos passos. Sônia Terra - Instituto da Mulher Negra (PI)

Projeto Mulheres Negras e Populares

“As Mulheres Negras fazem parte de números assustadores, sobretudo relacionados à violência. Trabalhamos no sentido de melhorar essa realidade e tirar essa discussão de traz das cortinas”. Rosalva Gomes – Movimento das Mulheres Quebradeiras de Côco Babaçu (MA)

Projeto Mulheres Negras e Populares

“Sou marisqueira e quilombola, mulher das águas, do mangue e da lama, que vive todos os dias violação de direitos tanto à saúde da mulher negra, como o direito de ir e vir. Por isso, nos juntamos para refletir sobre violações que sofremos, mas também com entendimento do empoderamento.” Eliete Paraguassu – Articulação das Mulheres

[:pb]a Edição do Música e Direitos Humanos contou com a participação de Maria Bethânia[:]

[:en]Access to the Bento Rodrigues Dam has been completely closed off due to risk of rupture at another dam[:]

[:en]According to Lt. Sebastião Nogueira, from the Military Police, the security zone was expanded from three to ten kilometers, because “the Germano Dam cracked and is in risk of breaking.” The fear of a new tragedy in Mariana, in the Central Region of Minas Gerais, resurfaced this Wednesday morning. The Bento Rodrigues area, the hardest


A TARDE Newspaper (08-06-2015) Political Editorial SPECIAL EDITION: THE STRATEGEMS OF THE DICTATORSHIP Progressive evangelicals in the sights of Brazil’s Secret Service (Serviço Nacional de Informações: SNI) The years of lead ( the most repressive years of the dictatorship): Organization which supported cooperatives was smeared One of the organizations most frequently attacked by the SNI

CESE’s new President brings a history of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue CESE’s new President brings a history of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue

Marcus Barbosa Guimarães, a priest in the Catholic Church for nearly 30 years, is the new President of the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE) for the 2015-2018 three-year period.  With a PhD from the Pontifical Catholic University (Pontifícia Universidade Católica: PUC) in Rio de Janeiro and an MA from the Pontifical Gregorian

CESE’s Annual Assembly elects new Trustee BoardCESE’s Annual Assembly elects new Trustee Board

The last day of the Ecumenical Coordination of Service’s (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE) Annual Assembly, Friday (12 June), featured the election of the new Trustee Board for the 2015-2018 three-year period. Over the next three years, the organization’s President will be Marcus Barbosa Guimarães from the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church (Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana:

Week of Prayer begins with the theme ‘Give me this water’Week of Prayer begins with the theme ‘Give me this water’

“Give me this water.” The theme of the 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity provided inspiration for the celebration of its launch in Salvador (BA), held last Saturday (16) at 6pm at the ISBA Church.  The rainy night did not prevent those committed to the week of prayer from participating in a celebration organized


The event to mark the launch of “Mobilização de Recursos Locais – O Desafio da Sustentabilidade” (“Local Fundraising – the Challenge of Sustainability”), an initiative of the NGO CESE, in partnership with the Dutch cooperation agency Wild Geese, takes place next Wednesday (27) at the organization’s office (Rua da Graça, 150).  The celebration will be

CESE launches the book “Racial Equity’ with the support of Kellog FoundationCESE launches the book “Racial Equity’ with the support of Kellog Foundation

“If you don’t know where you come from, how can you know where you are going?” This African proverb provides the framework for the book “Equidade Racial – Sistematização do Projeto de Fortalecimento Institucional” (“Racial Equity – the Systematization of the Institutional Strengthening Project”), written by CESE and launched this Thursday (09) at 5:30 pm

CESE: interreligious dialogue for a culture of peaceCESE: interreligious dialogue for a culture of peace

“As long as they fail to understand that everyone can follow their own religion, intolerance will only increase.” (Mãe Branca from the Xangô-Terreiro Ilê Asé Obá Babá Séré Candomblé house of worship, in Cajazeiras XI, Salvador (BA). ) “God is not Christian.  Blacks, whites, Christians, atheists, or Muslims.  All are held in a divine embrace.”

União EuropeiaUnião Europeia

Carta de agradecimento pela defesa dos direitos indígenas

A CESE transcreve a carta do APIB – Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil e Mobilização Nacional Indígena em defesa da manutenção de um Estado democrático, justo e plural e na defesa da Constituição Federal e dos direitos territoriais dos povos indígenas, dos quilombolas, de outras populações do campo. CARTA No. 16/APIB/2014 Brasília – DF,


“Do not be afraid! I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke, 2:10) The path to the birth of Jesus was full of courage, boldness, dreams, transgressions, resistance and faith. In the midst of all the lights and bustle, we should pay heed to the “angel” who says:

CESE encourages reflections about 2014 on International Human Rights Day

Wishes or human rights? 2014: 50 years since the military coup. Without doubt, throughout the year, this was the slogan that defined many activities of those who were historically on the frontline of resistance in defence of human rights under the dictatorship, as well as for the students, historians and activists who aligned themselves around

CESE publishes letter repudiating the assassination of an indigenous leader in Mato Grosso do Sul

On the morning of Saturday, 1st November, 27-year-old indigenous leader Marinalva Manoel was found dead on the side of highway BR-163, near Dourados in Mato Grosso do Sul. According to the Indigenous Missionary Council (Conselho Indigenista Missionário: CIMI), an organization that defends indigenous rights, 20 days previously Marinalva had been with a committee in Brasilia to

Public Hearing brings traditional communities together to debate Human Rights

“To guarantee the efficacy of Human Rights, we need to work together”. This was one of the phrases repeated throughout the public hearing which brought together Caboclos (people of mixed European and Indigenous ancestry), Caiçara people, indigenous peoples, fishermen and women, quilombolas and river-dwellers from all the regions of Brazil to the Rector’s Office of