“On the Trail of the Struggles: grassroots movements opening up pathways to democracy and rights in Brazil” is a series produced in partnership between the Brasil de Fato newspaper and the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE), with support from the Change the Game programme. In its second episode, we will talk about domestic workers’ struggles to attain and enforce their rights in Brazil.
We will hear from Luisa Batista, General Coordinator of the National Federation of Domestic Workers (Federação Nacional das Trabalhadoras Domésticas: FENATRAD), and Cleusa Aparecida da Silva, Coordinator of the House of Laudelina de Campus Melo (Casa Laudelina de Campos Melo). Two important leaders in the movement who tell their story of struggle and assess the achievements and routines that surround these workers’ daily lives.
Click to hear the second episode of the series (in Portuguese)