Between 20 and 22 October 2023, the 2nd Ecumenical Baianão Meeting, coordinated by the Bahia Ecumenical Council of Christian Churches (Conselho Ecumênico Baiano de Igrejas Cristãs: CEBIC), was held in Salvador, Bahia. In the context of the Time of Creation, the Baianão’s theme was: The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15). The meeting brought together representatives of faith communities from the state of Bahia to share experiences about caring for creation.
More than 100 people, from a variety of Christian denominations, social movements and faith-based organizations, attended the meeting, including: United Presbyterians, Presbyterians of Brazil, Anglican Episcopalians, Lutherans, Baptists, Roman Catholics, the Trinidad Community, the Focolare movement, the Ecumenical Centre for Biblical Studies of Bahia (Centro Ecumênico de Estudos Bíblicos: CEBI-Bahia), Koinonia and the Ecumenical Coordination of Service (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE). The Ecumenical Baianão also received devotees from Candomblé and Umbanda, who added to the religious diversity, once again demonstrating that dialogue and mutual respect between us are possible and desirable.
Sônia Mota CESE’s Executive Director, noted: “The Baianão reflects union between peoples, churches and organizations. We thank God, who plants in us the desire to work through dialogue, welcoming diverse faith traditions, to work together and care for the Common Home.”
Anglican Reverend Bruno Almeida, representing CEBIC, echoed this feeling: “I think the Baianão was a really good experience. We were able to bring together a good number of people from various parts of Bahia, from various religious traditions, raising awareness of the theme of caring for the common home, taking care of God’s creation. Through experience, affection and constructing opportunities for life in common and respect for all creation.”