Statement of the Latin American and Caribbean’s Communication agency

The Assembly of the Communication Agency of Latin America and   The Caribbean (ALC) took place in the city of São Paulo, from September 28th to 30th, with representatives from organizations that belong to it in Latin America and the Caribbean. We believe that communication is an inalienable right of all women and men for the building of bridges, incentive to respect between people and to the generation of inclusion and participation, reinforcing the democratic processes, in an ethical way, respecting diversities.

In Latin America and The Caribbean, big economical groups generate social inequalities. This constitute a serious structural problem, in which exploitation of collective goods, with the purpose to obtain profit, put at risk life of creation.

In this religious, economical and political context, widely supported by hegemonic media, the fundamentalisms are instruments that consolidate intransigent positions, that impeach dialogue and all the personal and community development processes.

A lot of religious means of communication, based on an apparently pious speech, but manipulator of bible texts, strengthen a culture that fosters fear and provoke a criminalization of the social demands, generating violence against women, indigenous peoples, African matrix’s religions, defenders of rights, traditional populations and LGBTs.

The Communication Agency of Latin America and the Caribbean understand that it is fundamental to promote a dispute of narratives that would contribute to fortify liberating spiritualities, considering  plurality and diversity, fomenting dialogue and democratic participation of all sectors of society.


For this, we search to:

  1. Fortify ecumenical and inter-religious groups networks.
  2. Develop strategies to turn visible the religious diversity and the spiritualities between communicators and communicators.
  3. Promote communication spaces that dispute the communication hegemony of media, from a democratic practice, respectful, diverse and participatory.


The general meeting of the Communication Agency of Latin America and the Caribbean ends one week before the general elections in Brazil, in a tense and complicate scenario.

We highlight how the hegemonic means of communication played a biased and antidemocratic role. We engage our actions and prays so that Brazil recovers the direction of the democratic path already attained, decades ago, with so much efforts and lives.

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Romans 12.2

São Paulo, September 30 of 2018

AIPRAL – Alliance of Presbyterians and Reformed Churches of Latin America

CESE – Ecumenical Coordination of Service

CLAI – Latin-american Council of Churches

CONIC – National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil

CREAS – Regional Ecumenical Center of Assessment and Services Helmut Frenz Foundation

FLD – Lutheran Foundation of Diaconia

FUMEC – Universal Federation of Christian Student Movement of Latin America

WACC-AL – World Association for a Christian Communication – Latin America and Caribbean



Source: CONIC – National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil