What is at stake on second round

We can’t dissociate human rights defense from democracy defense. Living in a democracy entails projects and ideological fields disputes, as well as unconditional acceptance of ballot boxes results – sovereign expression of popular desires. Such disputes are natural and, in a certain way, healthy, since they remain strictly battled in the field of ideas and in the respect of the established rules.

But limits exist that are expected from any candidate who postulate to the office of maximum representative of the State, among them the adhesion to the Constitutional text, to the democratic and republican values, just as respect to plurality and minorities that compose Brazilian society.

It’s not new that the concepts of human rights, justice and citizenship are being deliberately distorted on the electoral platforms in several parts of the world, looking for votes from those who are deeply disappointed by politics. In this election, however, the threat reflects into an openly violent speech, authoritarian and discriminator – an anachronistic rhetoric that recalls the horrors from the leaden years. Unacceptable in any circumstance.

We must dispute the meaning of human rights and not accept its capture by the hatred speech. It is necessary, tirelessly, to enlighten and to reaffirm: humans rights are a landmark in defense of the citizens women and men and of individual freedoms. They don’t belong to parties nor to ideologies. The human rights belong to all of us, women and men, without distinction of race, class, belief, gender, sexual orientation or any other condition.

The next Republic’s president must assume and respect these principles. We don’t want Brazil to be ruled by hatred and intolerance, with total disrespect to the democratic institutions and to what is determined by our Constitution.

The Conectas was born to defend and promote the principles of human rights as a basic pillar for a just, free and democratic society and will be tireless to defend them.

We hope that the electors will vote in this second round for who defends and respect these values. In an independent and nonpartisan manner, we from Conectas will keep firmly in our mission.

(Source: Conectas)