2018 elections: campaign calls to reflect on the role of the vote for social transformation

The current political reality in Brazil, the seizure of rights which directly affects the most vulnerable and impoverished part of the population, the dismay of the people with the terrible and irresponsible performance of many congresspeople in the State and Federal Legislative Assemblies, the advancement of conservative ideologies aligned with the interests of economic groups that insist on the logic of concentration of power, wealth and destruction of our environmental heritage altogether summon us and challenge us to a profound reflection on the consequences of voting WRONG, and at the same time, lit all leads us to a necessary and urgent increase in the debate about these topics with the society. These issues have reflected on the group of rural pastorals, on social movements and on organizations in Bahia.

It is with this background scenario that the campaign  “SEU VOTO VALE? ENTÃO, VOTE CERTO! #NenhumDireitoaMenos” (Is your vote worth it? So do it the right way!) was created. It is a initiative of a collective of Pastorals and Organizations of Bahia to encourage voters to reflect on the role of each person and in the role of voting for social transformation; and to vote RIGHT, for candidates who are committed to social justice, with the perspective of assuring citizens’ rights during 2018 elections.

The campaign also intends to contribute to the voters’ thinking about the actions of the congresspeople, of senators and of the president during this last term, it also calls voters to see if their vote actually has the power to change, or if this political instrument is nothing more than a  FAIRYTALE to legitimize the interests of a State controlled by certain sectors of the Judiciary, Executive and Legislative powers and which is historically sponsored and financed by large enterprises, banks and radio networks, newspapers and television .

It is also necessary for each voter to analyze if the group of congresspeople represents the FACE OF BRAZILIAN PEOPLE. We can say that the National Congress does not represent our youth, women, LGBT + groups, black population, indigenous peoples and traditional communities. VOTING RIGHT means to ensure that the Brazilian people are respected and that they have their rights represented, in their cultural, religious and gender diversity; It also means to guarantee the active participation of our people in the political decisions and in the powers that rule our country.

We suggest that voters should think better about the consequences of their power of choice and bring their peers together to investigate the political career and the political projects of certain candidate, so that the results of the elections actually represent the legitimate aspirations, needs and interests of Brazilian people.

From today until October 6, you can contribute to the campaign, which will clarify important points of the electoral scenario, such as the importance of not canceling your vote; the names and political parties of those who have already voted in favor of the seizure of many rights as well as highlighting the importance of increasing the participation of women, young people, black and indigenous population in the congress; the renewal of the congress; environmental issues, land and water and conflicts that come from territorial disputes; and religious intolerance and its consequences.

JOIN US! Share our content, promote discussion meetings and present the content of the campaign in your parishes and communities and participate in our launching ceremony. Thus we will build a TRUE DEMOCRACY coming from the PEOPLE’S POWER.

Salvador, August 1st, 2018

Ação Social Arquidiocesana – ASA
Cáritas Brasileira Regional Nordeste 3
Centro de Estudos Bíblicos – CEBI
Comissão Pastoral da Terra – CPT
Comunidades Eclesiais de Base – CEBS
Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores – CPP
Conselho Ecumênico Baiano de Igrejas Cristãs – CEBIC
Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço – CESE
Frente de Evangélicos Pelo Estado de Direito
Pastoral da Juventude – PJ