CESE’s Annual Assembly elects new Trustee BoardCESE’s Annual Assembly elects new Trustee Board

The last day of the Ecumenical Coordination of Service’s (Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço: CESE) Annual Assembly, Friday (12 June), featured the election of the new Trustee Board for the 2015-2018 three-year period.

Over the next three years, the organization’s President will be Marcus Barbosa Guimarães from the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church (Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana: ICAR), while Joel Zeferino from the Alliance of Baptists of Brazil (Aliança de Batistas do Brasil: ABB) will take up the post of Vice-President.  Continuing at CESE, but now on its Oversight Committee are ex-President Eleni Rangel, from the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil: IPIB), and Guilherme Lieven from the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana do Brasil: IECLB), who was First Treasurer.

New representatives of the Christian Churches have taken up positions in CESE.  Mariana Zuccarello from the United Presbyterian Church (Igreja Presbiteriana Unida: IPU) and Ana Isaura de Souza (IPIB) will act as First and Second Secretary, respectively.  The functions of First and Second Treasurer will be carried out by Renato Küntzer (IECLB) and João Cancio Peixoto Filho from the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil – IEAB).  Julia Tais de Oliveira (ICAR) and Gilvaneide dos Santos (ABB) have also joined the Oversight Committee.

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